Passions and Personality

Why am I a software developer?

I started school as a Mechanical Engineer because I wanted to be an inventor. On the way I took a coding class and fell in love with the language of software, where every problem is a new one.

I always work to understand the fundamental nature of things which  naturally leads to being an engineer or physicist. However, in the modern day computers are taken for granted like gravity. In the pursuit of trying to understand the incredible methods and ideas that have lead to modern computing, I found delight in the problem solving attitude that comes with the territory of software development.

Nathanael Stevenson


I graduated from Northern Illinois University with a bachelors in Software development and minor in physics. I also completed an associates in science at College of Dupage


I enjoy competition and exercise which naturally leads me to playing soccer and gaming. I do some woodworking as well, I love getting deep into a project and working it through.

fun facts